I have been good this year,and Kimberly at Jolly Jabber said that this is the best way to get my letter to you and anyone else that would like to get me a gift for christmas that doesnt know what to get me, I have a couple ideas for me for christmas!!!
I didnt want to just put one thing in my list, I wanted to leave some options for you to pick the one or ones that you would like for me to have.
So my first one is...Glace Frosted Windowpanes Quilt Kit by
Brenda Riddle

and here is the link if you want to order it from The Fat Quarter Shop to make it easier on the elves!
The next one is a Birdie Fat Quarter Bundle Entire Collection by
Me and My Sister Designs for Moda Fabrics

here is the link for your elves
and the last one is Ginger Blossom Fat Quarter Bundle by
Sandi Henderson for Michael Miller Fabrics

and Here is the link for this bundle
But if you cant get me any of those I will gladly take a gift certificate to any of the quilt shops around me!
Thank you Santa I know you will get me something good cause you know how good I have been this year!!! And I will even make homemade cookies for you just let me know what your favorite is and they will be ready with a big glass of milk!!!
Love Tammy