I have plenty left to do. I loaded the neighbors quilt on the table last night and will get it quilted tonight. I am going to finish my table runner for my Sew Happy and the Strippers Table runner swap. I am sure it is going to be beautiful... So far its turning out pretty nice. I will post a pic once its finished.
Hunny and little man are down at the mining claim. They are talking about hoping on a friends boat and going hunting on Tuesday. would be nice to have some wild game in the freezer!
I have a couple more things to get done for my Secret Elf Swap and will get that out in the mail on the 10th... Wohoo!!!
I have my todo list and am hoping to get alot of that finished this week too. Big Boy called from Beluga last night and asked if I would make him a quilt for his bed out at the lodge so I am hoping to get something boyish wildernessy done for him for christmas too, any good ideas... I have a couple jelly rolls that I would like to use for it... Or mabey some flannel.
Post me some links of some ideas for a nice easy jelly roll quilt for my son and I am thinking I might turn this into a giveaway! I guess I will have to find something to give away first.. mabey a jelly roll or a honey bun!!!
I will draw a winner on Friday. you need to post to this post till friday to be entered.
Post me a link of a great idea for a jelly roll quilt for my son!
Use this idea for the "greased lightning" quilt to do this one; or use the idea to make up one of your own, I really like this one!!
from Lisa Williams:):)
Tammy, here are 2 more I want to submit, one is super cool!!!
my email is:
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